Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Here we go!

Well, here i am writting a blog. I have thought about starting one for some time now..why am i doing it? Will I keep up, or is this just a one time post attempt to just talk about myself for a small moment.

      Well for one i am a serious facebook ADDICT! I feel the need to post every little detail of my life with the hopes that someone out there cares to listen. This doesnt seem to always be the case, as more friends get upset with the things i choose to share. This way people can decide to catch up with us crazy Webers if they choose to, but dont have to have me clogging up their newsfeed! Plus i cant STAND the political talk in mine.
    Secondly, i feel as though i can sometimes be quite witty, silly, and fun, and i feel like my husband is the only one who gets to enjoy those moments, aka the only one i can annoy with them :-) I continually have so many thoughts out there that I so badly want to share with people but never know a good way of expressing it. We have so many exciting things happen in our life and i want a fun way of our family and friends to know it without having to send out a million text messages, or post it on a social media.
     Thirdly, I need something to do while I pump!

    Rule #1 of this blog is that I have BAD grammer...and I dont care! I have already had to erase a million times to change i to I and this is my blog so we get to break the rules a little bit. Please dont correct me.

I guess this is the part where I should tell the basics of us Webers, the rest will come with time i believe if you havent hit the X on the top of your screen by now.

I am a Christian, a wife, and a mommy, and a that order! I love my career but believe my true calling is being a wife to my Handsome husband Roy, and i consider it a full time Job kissing my little Kensington Graces belly over and over again to see how many times she can give me that big huge gut busting laugh of hers. (was that a run on sentance?) I am NOT perfect, i am NOT super mom, and i am NOT the best wife or hairdresser ever, and i dont think i am. Although sometimes i do super cute things like make and easter cake in the shape of a Bunny and i expect my friends to "like" the dang thing and dont just roll your eyes thinking i am being a show off or God Forbid COPYING you! If its on pinterest its FAIR GAME!

I am NOT and attachment parent, but i am not the other kind of parent either. I find myself right in the middle of the spectrum. I breastfeed my 7 1/2 month old daughter, but I also feed her jarred baby food and let her lay in her bed and cry 5 mins before she falls asleep (GASP!)

My job is to make people beautiful! Although sometimes I feel like my job is to be at peoples beck and call all day every day to answer the phone and book them an apt because they need their hair cut and colored and thair nails done for a wedding this weekend that they JUST learned they have to attend! Overall my clients bless me. I have been able to use my job as a ministry in some ways because i have been able to invite my clients to church and in return they have been saved! (woop woop)

Last but not least my husband Roy-Boy is the light of my world. He is truley my best friend, and i am not even faking it because this isnt fakebook....I mean facebook! He is so real and true and he will always put me in my place when i need to be and he is always there for me when my "friends" hurt me, which let me tell you, happens WAY too often for "friends."

My life is complete organized chaos. I feel like my house always needs to be clean, i am desperatly trying to nurse my baby till her 1st birthday, I have a million things pinned that I will never get to, we are Dave Ramsey crazies, I cant cook very well...unless it comes out of a box, I want more time with my baby and home but im a proud working momma, we like to go out saturday night and spend our entire sunday at Church..We are just us! whew! there is my life in a nutshell...or a laptop. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog Lindsey - I think it is a great way to share. I enjoyed reading your first Post (think that is the right terminology). Like grammer I hope spelling doesn't count here. You have grown into an AMAZING woman and I love you!!
